Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Truth Tuesday

Where did this last week go?!?
Well time for another truth tuesday.
So today while reading a yahoo news post I realized how sex driven people have become! Can you believe they have padded bras for 4 year olds!!! I was so shocked when I saw that. Who would really buy that for their child or even that their child wear that?! Kids shouldn't be thinking about things like bras, they should be playing and being carefree. I can't believe that parents allow things like this to be used by their kids. I would never allow my daughter to wear something like that.
While watching Toddlers and Tiaras I saw a little girl probably 3 or 4 dressed up as Julie Roberts in Pretty Woman! For those of you that haven't seen that movie Julie Roberts plays a prostitute. Why in the world would you dress your child up like a prostitute?
I am just so shocked when I see the way most little girls are dressed now! I'm not talking about 13-14 year olds (thats a whole nother issue!) I am talking about little girls who can't pick out things for themselves. Ones that their mothers buy and dress them without their kids opinions at all!
Now I am not saying if your kids pick out inappropraite outfits that it is okay to let them wear them, I am just saying you think parents would pick more appropriate attire for their child!
I am so disappointed with the direction society is pushing children. I am even more upset that their parents are not standing up to society! They are just enabling their children to dress completely inappropriate!
I promise that I will always dress my children modestly and to the standards I believe in!

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