Monday, November 07, 2011

Day 7 of Thanks

Today I am thankful for MY trials. Yesterday I was made aware of somebody elses trial. It was given in confidence so I can't say what it was. I felt so bad for them but it made me very thankful for my trials.
My trials are hard but I know they are given to me because I can overcome them. They are hard but they are mine!
I have been going through a hardtime lately but yesterday made me realize that everyone has hardships. Even though it seems really hard right now I know it will get better. I would definitely rather have my trials then anyone elses!

On another note I can't believe it is already day 7 of November! This blog is making me much more cheerful and enthusiastic about life. Counting your blessings really does make life easier. So instead of dwelling on your trials try to look at your blessings and I can tell you it definitely makes life easier!!

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