Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pocatello plans

So we changed our plans and decided we want to move to Pocatello.
Jonny is in the process of trying to transfer to ISU. It is super exciting. If he gets accepted we have to find him a job there. Then we have to see if we can get a home loan! If we can we are buying a house!! I am so stoaked!!! I've really wanted a house as you prolly know. We have even found some that would be really affordable! Like less than half what we pay for this lil apartment!
I just so hope this works out.
I want my son near his nana and I want him to have a yard.
But there will be lots of prayers the next couple of weeks to make sure we make the best decisions. I wouldn't want to make the wrong decision with something as long term as a house!
So once Jonny's application is in we should know in 2 weeks. So in about 3 weeks we will know whether or not he got in. Then we will have lots to figure out! I want to plan for a house but I should prolly work on a back up plan too. So on to house hunting and apt hunting!
Wish me luck!!!

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