Tuesday, September 28, 2010

When to lean on them

Another issue I seem to have a problem with is asking for help. Not just with my husband with anyone. So when I got engaged I worked hard on this. But the only problem was that he has the same problem! So when he wasn't relying on me I didn't want to rely on him!
Well I slowly broke down that wall and he broke down his. But now I have another issue. I have noticed that now I think I lean a little too much. Knowing that there is someone there to help out isn't something I am really that use to. So finding that balance is still hard for me.
I seem to be going through swings. One week I dont really ask for any help. So the next week I have so much to do I am swamped and just don't want to do it at all! So than I ask him to do pretty much everything!
This obviously isn't working because it equals way too much stress.
I think one issue with this is he doesn't really ask me to do anything. So in my mind that must mean he isn't that busy so I ask him to do more! Than I remember he has school full time and a part time job! He is quite a busy man.
Sad to say I don't really have an answer on this one. Any advice would be welcome!
So for all the engaged couples and fellow newlyweds: Don't be afraid to ask each other for help. I know it makes me feel more useful. But don't be afraid to admit when you just have too much going on either! Communication is key!!!

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