Sunday, September 26, 2010

Proper Tv Mom or guys friend????

So when I first got married I tried to be proper and poised all the time. I think this was just because that is how you saw it on tv. And I wasn't quite sure how else to do i t! But after two months (well one day short of two months) it has gotten tiring! But the problem is a happy medium!
You see when you have guy friends they think burping and all that guy stuff is hilarious. But the problem is I'm not Jonny's guy friend. I am his wife. So I think I am held to a different standard. Not that that is a bad thing!!!
So where is the inbetween ground between being a proper tv wife and being a guy friend???
Well since no two guys are the same there is no correct answer. I think this is where that trial and error process comes in to play! For now I am just trying things I am comfortable with and going from there!
For those that are engaged or to the fellow newlyweds: Don't expect to have this all figured out. But don't expect too much out of your spouse or yourself!! Eventaully you will be around each other so much you will just be comfortable and figure out your proper balance.

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