Monday, September 27, 2010

Balancing the Romance

How much romance is too much?? How much is too little???
When first getting married I will admit I expected constant romance. I wanted at least weekly flowers and monthly candlelit dinners. When this wasnt happening I felt myself becoming frustrated. Don't I deserve the romance?
Well tonight I realized two things.
First off- My husband isn't super romantic. This isn't a bad thing. It is just him. He does romantic things randomly and rarely.
Secondly- when you have constant romance it isn't really romance. It is every day life.
I like that my husband doesn't bring me flowers every week. I like that I dont expect something. Because when you begin to expect it its just not the same. I love being surprised with a candlelit dinner and a movie. But when you know its friday and are expecting flowers it just isnt the same.
I also have realized that I can romance my husband. Why does he always have to do it? Yes I like being romanced but he probably does too!
So to all the engaged couples and fellow newlyweds: Enjoy the romance as it comes but don't expect it. If you feel like you need it. Do something for him. It will usually motivate him to do something back!

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