Monday, February 06, 2012


I was reading someones blog last night that really gave me a reality check!
Their husband told them they loved someone else. And they are getting a divorce. They have 2 children and have been married almost 3 years.
It really made me think how lucky I am.
Now I am by no means in a perfect marriage, honestly I don't think there is one out there! We have get annoyed by each other and we have fights. But we are always there for each other and support each other.
I know there is no way I could do it without Jonny and he knows he couldn't do it without me.
Its just scary to think about what happens if you don't put 110% into your marriage. I don't know what happened in their marriage that made it fall apart but when I heard this it just made me think about everything I need to work on!
I know I take my marriage for granted alot of the time. I just assume Jonny will always be there and that he can't leave. But in all reality he can! And just thinking about that brings tears to my eyes. I know I should work harder on being more patient with him and to let more of the little things go.
I am just so glad that we both are so dedicated to our marriage and that we both work really hard at making it better every day.

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