Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Not myself

So lately I'm not sure what has been up with me.... Just something... I just haven't been myself. I'm usually an optimist but I turned into a total pessimist. I could tell it was happening but couldn't really do anything to stop it. The more I noticed the worst things got. Nothing seemed to help permenantly. Occasionaly something small would bring me back for just a moment but it was usually short lived!!
I finally decided enough was enough. I tried to figure out what was wrong with me. I was super stressed out for a ton of different reasons. Mostly money. A new job- even though I love it it is stressful. A small/trashed apartment- which even though it was driving me nuts I was so exhausted that I did nothing about it! Unexplainable exhaustion!!
Thankfully my husband is incredible! He has been supportive and loving! Eventually things started turning around. When I noticed I was becoming worse I started trying more. Getting more rest, trying to straighten the apartment more, and money finally turned around. We make plenty of money but budgeting is the problem! We finally created a system that works!
So to all the engaged couples and newlyweds: Girls and guys have weird times. When they just need someone to hold them without questions. I know its hard for us to always understand each other but just remember we will eventually be ourselves again and love you even more for being with us!!!

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