Sunday, November 14, 2010

Changing my Christmas Views...

So I love Christmas! But I am usually quite picky about it.
No music, decorations, or anything Before Thanksgiving. I thought people were super selfish and thats why they would push Christmas in front of Thanksgiving! Man was I ever wrong!
This is my first Christmas being married! So I am a little eager. I am eager for THanksgiving too. Don't get me wrong. But that holiday has mostly turned into a day to gorge ourselves. Instead of a day to be thankful.
But around Christmas people are charitable, giving, and happy. It is a great feeling! So of course I am pushing for it to come faster. Today is only November 14th and I already have my Christmas tree up. Plus we watched our first Christmas movie today!
So for all the people who are like I use to be and upity about when we can start celebrating. Relax and have fun Christmas only comes once a year. So let us celebrate as soon as we want!
TO all the newlyweds and engaged couples: Enjoy the holidays together!!! The first one is always the most exciting(anyways that is what I have heard)! Just remember what the holidays are all about! After all this year you have even more to be Thankful for!!!!

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