Tonight is the first time Jonny and I got to go out on a date night since we had Kayden. Of course Kayden came with us. We went out to dinner at JBs. At first Kayden was super fussy. Then he fell asleep and we were able to eat. He woke up right as we were finishing. He was so cute he just stared at the tv above us.
Then we went to Walmart to get me more makeup and diapers. I so needed the makeup! I was out of eyeliner and mascara! It was horrible. But now I have lots! YAY!!
Then we stopped at the farmers market. We didnt stay long. We just went for short walk and looked at everything. Then Kayden was super upset so we came home.
It was so nice to get out with Kayden. It was even nicer that Kayden slept for most of it.
We talked and talked about anything and everything. It wasn't that long of a date but it was still a date. And on friday night too! I know! Crazy right?!