Thursday, October 16, 2014

Finding out we are expecting Baby #2

So we found out on July 21st that we are expecting baby number 2! That was our 3rd month trying but we had just found out my Sarcoidosis had relapsed. So we were going to have to start up treatment again. I was crushed. They ran a bunch of tests including a pregnancy test that came back negative (it was 6 days before I was due). They wanted me to start treatment right away but I was determined to wait until my period came so there was no chance I was pregnant. So I didnt start treatment. I kept myself distracted planning Kaydens birthday party. The monday after his party I was 10 days late. So when out grocery shopping I picked up a test. I figured when it was negative we would know for sure I wasnt pregnant and we could start treatment again. So once I got home I took the test and it immediately had a +. I was shocked. I started crying. Honestly at this point we were looking into adoption. The doctor had said my sarcoidosis might be chronic and I would have to be on permenant treatment where I wouldn't be able to get pregnant. So this was the last month at least for a year that we would be able to try. I was so happy. I ran out and told Kayden.
I still couldnt convince myself I was really pregnant so I took the second test. Again it instantly turned up +.
I took a picture and texted it to my mom! I immediately called her so that I would get to hear her reaction when she opens the text. She hadn't opened it yet when I called. She was a surprised as I was.

Of course I had to find out on a Monday which is the day Jonny works the longest. I had to work so hard to keep my mouth shut. Once he got home I told him Kayden got him a gift today.

I am so excited that we are going to have the opportunity to have another baby!
That night we took this picture and sent it to my sisters

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