So I have been trying to find a new hobby. Since Jonny is in school and job hunting a ton I am stuck at home alot. I am very very anxious to have this kid so I am trying to keep busy and a new hobby seems to be the best way.
So I have been trying out couponing the last two weeks. It has been difficult getting started but once I figured out the best way for me to do it its been quite easy.
Today was my first shopping trip!
We got 4 boxes of cereal, 3 packages of BBQ meat, 3 pre made sides, 2 packages of hot dogs, 2 salad packages, 1 can of febreeze, 8 tyson mini chicken sandwiches, 2 things of deodorant, a thing of litter, and some razors!!!
Oh and we earned a free gallon of milk on our next purchase!
Overall we spent $48.93 and saved $51.01!!! We saved almost 51%!!!
I was so excited when I got home!!
And this was our first shopping trip!
Not only does it feel great to have a new hobby that helps pass the time but I am saving us money in the process!! Its so fun I would totally encourage anyone who has patience and a lil bit of extra time every week to figure it out!
IT feels so good to be able to contribute without having to go to work!
I don't know about all you other girls but sometimes it is hard for me to watch Jonny work while I just do stuff around the apartment. So feeling like I am contributing again really is great! But it is all about finding what works in your relationship <3