Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Arguments happen!

No marriage is perfect.
Although we like to act like it is or immagine it is, It isnt. Arguments and disagreements are gonna happen. No two people think exactly the same so feelings will get hurt.
Just remember to never run away from your problems. One of my brilliant sisters told me that when you get married you give up the right to sleep somewhere else. I agree. No matter how bad the fight or how hurt you are, where you live with your spouse is your home and you should stay there!
Be careful what you say. Words hurt so much more than anything else. It sticks in your mind and even though you try to forget they randomly will sneak up in the back of your mind and they continue to burn.
It is okay to walk away. When you are getting too wound up or too upset just take a break. Go for a walk, a drive, or just into another room. You just have to realize when it is time to walk back in the room and talk it out.
Never go to bed angry! You will never sleep well. And when you wake up you are usually more upset then when you went to bed.
To the newlyweds and engaged couples remember: Marriage is forever! You chose this. The good times far outway the bad. Just focus on the good and try to forget the bad. And when you forgive someone do it completely and never bring it back up!!!

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